Clifford Turner - National Association of Real Estate Brokers

Clifford Turner

24 Clifford Turner 2005-2007Clifford Turner served as President of NAREB from 2005-2007

  • Generated record dollars for NAREB
  • Increased homeownership rates for African Americans throughout the country and established new baseline for desired increase of homeownership growth among African Americans through NAREB members
  • Increased public awareness of NAREB, its history and relevance to the housing and Real Estate community
  • Established  In-house Technology Team to design and create greater marketing presence through the use of technology using the internet to do so
  • Delivered new state of the art website  resulting in an increased knowledge of NAREB and its’ chapters and promoted increase membership

Mr. Turner is the owner of Turner Realty and Management Co., in Louisville, KY.

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