Robert L. Hughes is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Hughes Development Company, Inc. in Kansas City, Kansas. He is also CEO of Universal Management, Inc., a Principal of HDC Consulting Group and Managing Broker of The Metro Group Real Estate, LLC.
Together, these companies form a family for strategically vertical real estate integration. Mr. Hughes has developed over 1,200 units of affordable multi-family housing and the company has managed over 5,000 units in multiple states.
Hughes Development Company is currently specializing in the development of workforce housing utilizing structurally insulated exterior wall panels. Panelization delivers cost savings and benefits that put newly constructed units within reach of the workforce housing market. These developments are positioned to deliver a triple bottom line (financial, social, environmental) to investors
Mr. Hughes has been an active member of the National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB) for over 40 years, having served multiple terms as its National Chairman of the Board of Directors. Mr. Hughes is active in many community and social organizations, both locally and nationally. He received a BS in mechanical and industrial engineering from the University of Kansas and an MBA in Real Estate Economics from the University of Wisconsin.